Home > SICK


November 4th, 2006 at 08:11 pm

Those rotten germies got me this time. Whatever germies ds brings home from preschool tend to hit hubby the hardest, and have let me be overall, which is strange since usually I am the sickly one. But this time we all got hit and we all got hit hard. This is a nasty one.

The cost of preschool is far more than $300/month. We'll see if my boss deems me worthy or a raise this year even with all this sick time. Bah. The upside is the last few times I bowed out of work dh was really sick and I Was able to take some work home so I didn't lose a full day of work. We are getting more paperless and all that, which is really cool as I see in the future maybe dh will get a full-time job and maybe I Can keep mine and just work more from home. You know I am an early bird, I could see waking up at 5, doing some work, taking the kids to school, going to the office, picking them up, and being done for the day. I hate working from home having been there done that, but the added flexibility is pretty superb. Thank you internet! This week dh actually suffered all week and I suffered 2 days at work, but friday I just couldn't tkae it - I felt like hell. Even right now I really should be resting...

Oh anyway, I have mad withdrawls from HAd to pop by!

Oh yeah, it never really occured to me that there migh be a lot of accounting-type personalities around here, but makes sense I guess. If the idea of a budget doesn't scare you, or even sounds fun, maybe you are the accounting-type. Hehe. Just surprised at the response to my "75% of CPAs are retiring soon" freakout. I need to do some heavy recruiting here I guess. I will do more in the future. Wink

6 Responses to “SICK”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Hope you feel better quickly! My dh seems to have the bug too, but not me, YET!

  2. moneycents Says:

    Feel Better!

  3. yummy64 Says:

    I hope you feel better soon.

    My feeling icky remedy is hot water, lemon juice, honey and brandy. Proportions to taste. I always feel better afterwards Smile

  4. janh Says:

    Hope you and your family get well soon!

  5. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Glad you were able to pop by. My DD brought home a virus a couple of months ago that left me feeling like someone dropped a load of bricks on me!

    Yummy64, I use the same remedy but I put in rye! When I was younger my mom would put a teaspon of rye when we had bad chest colds. We also got the Vicks treatment!Smile

  6. monkeymama Says:

    Oh my that sounds good right now. Must try...

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