Home > Glorious Sleep!

Glorious Sleep!

October 6th, 2006 at 03:06 pm

Ah, I wish I had more time to puruse the boards, but I have too much work to do today - LOL. Darn work! ; )

I did ramble on about rents which I know no one cares - I live in crazy land. LOL. This is why no one randomly visiting my blog and viewing my stats can not appreciate that I own a very nice house in CA and only owe $215k on it. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears. I am STILL reisisting the urge to pay it down faster and put more money in savings. It is hard. I know I need liquid cash more. The fact that we owned a home at 22 (with 20% down) is cause for applause. Sometimes we dream of moving to ORegon and putting a good $400k in the bank (well last year when our house was worth more anyway). Plopping $50k down on a similar house and semi-retiring while the kids are young. But for now we are suckers and stay. More for family than anything... Though when our equity was up to $500k for a while I Was ready to throw family out the window - we could fly down and visit every weekend with that money. ; ) But housing prices have dropped considerably. So yeah if you paid me $500k I would move from family, that is what we have learned in recent years - the price of family - LOL.

In our first home we had over $100k equity when we committed to this house - we were going to have a $100k mortgage here when we moved. But it dropped overnight. So live and learn. I know friends in other states who can not get past our equity, but I can't get too excited about it. Here today, gone tomorrow. Even if we decided to cash out today there is no guarantee we would be able to get what we think we could - anything can happen tomorrow. So I no longer get excited about equity. Frankly I am just happy we own a home. Extremely extremely grateful. I grew up thinking we could never afford to live in California at all.

Oh anyway, I meant to post and tell everyone who is getting a good night sleep to have a good night sleep on me. ; ) You know those of you wihtout small kids and multiple jobs and staying up studying, those of you without sleep disorders. But I must say I have gotten some REAL sleep this last week. I really hesitate to say it without knocking on wood. But things are well in sleepy land. The only thing worse than my son not sleeping well, due to teething, is the constant input from other people about all we are doing wrong regarding sleep. Okay, my son has horrible painful teething and that is hy his sleep has been disrupted. But over time with the lack of sleep you ebgin to question yourself and wonder if everyone else is right. & then finally your baby sleeps full nights and even begins to put himself back to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Hallelujah. I don't know why I let other people get to me. Phew.

Ahhhhh, sleep is such a luxury these days and I feel in the lap of luxury today. Feels good...

I will enjoy but try not to get used to it. More teeth are on the way...

4 Responses to “Glorious Sleep!”

  1. JanH Says:

    You don't get much more sleep when they are teenagers! LOL.

  2. homebody Says:

    Monkey ha ha! Dh and I have had the same conversation about moving to Oregon! But we actually own a house there, with our OD, who will be moving in 9 months. We originally took equity out of our current home thinking it was going to be an investment, but now we think we want to hold onto it and possibly retire there... Decisions, decisions! Our kids are not going to ever come back here and my siblings are all in Oregon and Washington. Mom still lives here though, so we won't move until we retire.... but then... who knows?

  3. frugalmomof1 Says:

    My DS just turned 1 and there has always been a reason he hasn't slept through the night....teething (started at 4 months), learning to stand up, separation anxiety, sickness, etc. It felt like we were always making excuses for him. And did we ever get advice! Anyway, this is day 5 of him sleeping 10+ hours through the night, so I am also feeling pretty good.

  4. monkeymama Says:

    Aaaah, I knew I would only enjoy sleep temporarily. You mean once you have kids you never get to sleep again eh, figures.

    For now all our relatives are mad when we talk of fleeing the state. we decide to stay for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they all flee and we stay. we were the only ones to take the leap and move out of the bay and overall I think we have it pretty good - I am happy with our work/life balance and our mortgage, etc. They are all gonna flee if they ever get the guts - they are killing themselves int he bay and the rest of CA has gotten too expensive in the meantime - no one is going to move near us anytime soon. When they decide to leave they will leave Cali altogether. Then I will be mad we gave up 500k tax-free to stay near family - LOL.

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