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Saved $5

October 4th, 2006 at 04:37 pm

I was looking at the credit card and added up Disneyland - $390. I thought it would be about $350 - $400. Oh well.

The really bad thing is opend up my cc bill today online and it threw me for a loop. This $390 popped on and the total was around $2100 for the month. For some reason I was thinking it was going to be closer to $1800. I have NO idea why - LOL. I am not sure if I can afford to stay on top of the budget on this whole lack of sleep thing. Our baby has been teething and sleeping TERRIBLE and I in turn have been super braindead. Maybe I was hoping more would be delayed to next month. Maybe I was getting confused with the cash basis thing. I have no clue what I was thinking. I am saved because we sold Pepsi stock - $1300. Needed $1000 for insurance and figured $300 for an attorney - we are going ot get our wills/estate taken care of. I have no idea if $300 would even cover it, but it's a start. But anyway, that money will help us float by this next month when hopefully we can save money for insurance, etc. I think I am short $100 + plus means no money to emergency fund in October. Man, this stinks. LOL. Though it is very logical that spending an extra $400 made it a non-saving month. I just can't get past I have no idea what I Was thinking.

Oh well, October is long, anything can happen. I have been trying to find time to do some freelance work for a neighbor/client. Then again my weekends are booked - hehe. I better pencil her in FAST so I can put some money away this month.

Oh anyway, we are going to the pumpkin patch next week for my son's preschool and I was to pay $5 for each of us. Since I volunteered to drive 4 kids, they just told me they will pay for me. Yay! Even better since my son just switched to M & W all day, they said he could come Friday instead next week since they are closed Monday. I had thought to ask, but didn't. They are so nice. I don't know how many days when he was 1/2 time they let him stay all day for free because they knew I hesitated to put him in more than 1/2 days, because he just naps all afternoon. Why pay someone to watch him nap? But in a pinch they would keep him all day at no extra charge. & I am glad they are being so super nice on the holiday thing too. They essentially are holding open M/W/F until I can afford to put him back in more. Who else would do that????? Few and far between...

All I know is I save $5 unexpectedly. Yippee.

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