Home > Party Party Party

Party Party Party

October 4th, 2006 at 03:14 pm

Well I just RSVPed for 3 birthday parties - yes 3 - and another on the way I know of. & 2 Halloween parties.

Oh my son will be in 7th heaven. He LOVES parties. As for dh and I, eh, we are pretty quiet, low key people. I have no idea where my son comes from and frankly his social life EXHAUSTS us. Of course he thrives from it. This is a big reason why he is in preschool - so we can catch a break.

I tend to be pretty nice with gifts. Usually $20/kid. I spend way more on other kids than I do my own. LOL. But even $10/each for 3 parties is not really in the budget this month. It is tight with Christmas coming up and all. But I got some good ideas from you all. Is 3 parties gonna break the bank? YEah maybe if I didn't get ideas here. ; )

As a working mom I really have trouble mainitaining playdates and such, and I feel bad because dh just doesn't really do them. In the past maybe, but again it really exhausts him. But a friend of mine just e-mailed me and said she was a football widow and up for some sunday playdates. I haven't seen her in ages and that would be great. & then my moms group is revamping and trying harder to do more weekend/evening stuff. Looking at my calendar it is nice, but too late I guess - LOL. My october is completely filled. I hope november slows down a bit!

I am going to be exhuasted and my son is going to have the best month ever I guess - hehe.

I do remember once Halloween hit last year it seemed like the year went in overdrive, and now I see why. January will be here in a blink!!

1 Responses to “Party Party Party”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe. That's cute.

    I've got a little girl who is a perpetual well of energy.

    I don't know where they get it from. I was certainly nothing like that growing up!

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