Home > Um, okay then...

Um, okay then...

November 1st, 2006 at 06:33 pm

I never really pay attention when my paycheck is due - I am usually surprised like - oh yeah - it's payday!! Pleasantly surprised actually. Wink

But today I need to run to the post office at lunch, and since it is payday too I came prepared with deposit slip, envelope, and misc. checks I have been waiting to deposit. I figured I would run it ro the mail today at lunch with the Vanguard stuff.

So it is 10:00, no check, and I just noticed my boss is not here. Strange I think, so I look at his calendar and he is out until the afternoon.

So the ONE TIME I am eager for my check and make plans around depositing it ASAP - it is not here??? Figures. LOL. Oh well, I planned lunch around the post office trip as well, so paycheck will go out in the mail tomorrow I guess. No biggie, just negates all my planning ahead and gathering deposit slips and envelopes...

In other news I finally got my new credit card downloaded into Quicken after much trouble, only to notice that the closing date is set to 11/16. I start freaking out because I am not really sure how to reconcile the budget in my head with a credit card that ends mid-month. I am not happy, but explains why the last customer service chick told me it was closing on the 30th but due date was 13th. I Was SO confused, so now I Realize we were not talking the same language or something - LOL. I want it to CLOSE at the end of the month - so she sets it to the 16th??????? So I called customer support again today and asked for an end date of the 3rd. I thought better of it because that gives time for everything in the month to clear. My current card ends the 4th and is pretty good but usually sneaks in something from the first of the month. So I figure the 3rd would be ideal for budgeting and quicken purposes. I probably should have just made it the 2nd or something - then I could prepay anything that didn't quite get in for the prior month. Well now I am thinking smarter - oh well. So now my due date is the 28th which is the same as my other one. IT matters little but at least I have some time to pay it - more than 13 days from close - hehe. So it sounds like the whole 20 day grace period plus a few days for mailing/preparing statement is pretty standard after all. Both this card and my other card allow 25 days from close I guess - maybe that is the standard. I was just so confused before. Glad to straighten it out and get my first bill in just a few days. Earning 3% - oooh yeah - fun fun fun... I've been earning 1% on my spending for over a year - but 3% is even better - woohoo.

1 Responses to “Um, okay then...”

  1. fairy74 Says:

    Monkey Mama,
    I am in the same boat today, never really wait on payday but today need the check and the bookkeeper is mia!!!! Was hoping to sneak out to bank pre-lunchtime rush but looks like that won't be happening...

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