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Rewards Update & Other Updates

December 15th, 2011 at 02:55 pm

I am almost done redeeming rewards and closing credit cards! (No new offers of late...)

That said, most every credit card I have has a 30-ish days to pay the balance. Since I knew the AmEx closed yesterday, I figured I'd just pay it January 1. BUT... the payment is due 12/29. Seriously??? I'll quote that as a reason for closing the card. "Um, everyone else gives me 30 days?" At least 20?" & keep in mind, they haven't even sent me the bill yet. Will probably *get it* one week before the due date - is a paper statement.

So much for my cash balance goal. I know it's semantics and it doesn't make a large difference financially, either way. But, um, I can't claim I made my cash goal if I have to shell out $1k this month I wasn't expecting. Boo!

Since I got that check from my mom, I Will just pay off the card right now. I juggled some things around, and I really wanted to pay the mortgage tomorrow when I get paid. BUT, that will leave me in the red $15 when I pay off the other credit cards for the month. Rolleyes (Any other time I'd just pay the mortgage after the first, but I want to see that below $200k balance, NOW!!!!) I think when I go to the bank I will just deposit all my cash - will probably get some more cash somewhere down the road. Maybe dh has $5 he can spare so I am not completely cash-less. (I never use cash, but I think it's prudent to have a few dollars on hand, "just in case." I have $20 in my wallet, which will cover this.

Any other time I might transfer from savings, but I already did 2 savings transfers this month and I am sure I will do a third with Christmas money. Knowing the limits on savings transfers, I usually try to keep it to 1-2 times a month (any money going in or out of savings). Usually one big net transfer every month. I am not going to waste one transfer on $15!!

Anyway, the points I earned on this are currently "pending." Hopefully I can redeem them soon!


I am not feeling warm and fuzzy on this refinance, because it's been a week since I was approved, and no one has called me. Rolleyes

To be fair "super crazy fast mortgage guy" - I thought he forgot me too, but he sent me some paperwork Tuesday. He also sent a list of stuff they would need, so I gathered all that stuff up for the CU. I didn't want to write back and say "nevermind" until I talked to a live person at my CU. If it is impossible to complete this in 60 days, at this rate, don't waste my time. That was what I Was going to tell them. 7 days have past with absolutely no action, thus not feeling warm and fuzzy. I would love a CU mortgage loan, but I have been through this before with them. Their refinance customer service is majorly lacking compared to more hungry mortgage brokers. If nothing else I will call them tomorrow...


Oh, and the holiday medical tests never end around here. DH went in for an ultrasound Monday because he was having pain where he shouldn't. It's not related to any other medical issue in the past. We just like getting medical tests during the holidays. Rolleyes The whole thing has put me on edge far more than it should. It's just, we had two holiday seasons in a row of *that is probably nothing* turning into serious surgery and cancer scares. WE are supposed to hear back from the doctor today with some results. I think we are both really on edge with this whole thing. *sigh*

Of course, kids have school off next two weeks, my work schedule is insane, and dh is having trouble making all his commitments (he as supposed to volunteer pretty much full time this week and feels bad that he needs to lay down and rest. Any other time he'd have all the time in the world to lay down and rest - we have a knack for timing). At least we can pawn the kids off with relatives the last two weeks of December, if need be. They all seem to be pretty free of work obligations the next two weeks while I am swamped. I don't see it coming to that, but emergency surgery is not off the table. I never signed the kids up for school daycare like I said I would. At least I know from past experience I can sign them up tomorrow if need be. Now that both kids are in school pretty full-time, this whole thing isn't quite the nightmare it was when dh had surgery and LM was at home. I know we are blessed to have such a flexible and under-utilized school daycare. I have heard of the wait lists and higher cost at other schools. Phew.

5 Responses to “Rewards Update & Other Updates”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I do hope that your husband hears good results and feels better soon.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Oy, sounds like your plate is full, for sure. Best wishes for your husband's health!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Hopefully it's nothing serious. You guys have been through enough.

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I'm sorry to hear this. Frown I hope it turns out to not be anything serious and not needing surgery! You guys need a break - seriously!

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Well, test results were okay. Nothing to report. So, if pain does not go away, next step is specialist.

    Way too deja vu. "There's nothing visibly wrong with you and I am sure it is nothing, but maybe we should do further testing just in case..." I Feel like, *just make the dang appointment.* We will cancel it if we don't need it. OR, maybe more to the point, he should probably get checked out regardless if the pain goes away. IT's only through persistent Doctors and CYA medical tests that we even knew we both had issues with our recent medical issues. Neither of us had any normal symptoms.

    For now it's, "I have no idea what is wrong with you."

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