Home > Another one for Baselle

Another one for Baselle

May 6th, 2011 at 08:01 pm

Love it!

Text is and Link is

You have to click on the link to appreciate it.

Basically, shows a series of books by one author, about how you are missing the real estate boom! Books published 2005 - 2007 (well after the boom was OVER -here - though I admit books were maybe written a little before real estate began the falter - particularly the first one).

"Comparing old and new reviews for the books can also be a nice lesson in investor psychology."

Yes - I bet those reviews are fascinating. I should probably save this link and send it to anyone I know who gets overly bullish on real estate. I'll have to show this to my kids when they are getting ready to buy their first home. What an education in just these book reviews...

1 Responses to “Another one for Baselle”

  1. baselle Says:

    LOL! You know you were in trouble when....

    People who wanted a high house price: the seller, the realtors (seller and buyer), the mortgage broker, the neighbors for comps
    People who wanted low housing prices: the buyer, the bank who kept the note

    People who wanted a high house price: the seller, the realtors (seller and buyer), the mortgage broker, the neighbors for comps, the bank - who didn't care because they sold the note.
    People who wanted a low house price: the buyer, maybe...

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