Home > 2011 Goals

2011 Goals

November 30th, 2010 at 03:12 pm

I usually keep my goals pretty simple. That said, I don't really have any new goals for 2011. I am just cutting and pasting a lot from 2010.

Financially, I only expect to put about $8k in our ROTHS (about 10% gross). But, I will stretch and make my goal to max out for 2011. If nothing else, we are starting contributions in January, and I can use next Jan, Feb, March, April to max out. IF we are in a good cash position in Jan 2012, we can max out.

Our cash savings will be $400/month come January. I need to work enough overtime to cover our medical deductible (2012). Otherwise, no idea where that will come from. Those two add up to $8k. & interest and credit card rewards, etc., go to cash.

Of course, come fall 2011 I expect my spouse to be working a bit. Our primary goal will be to build up cash. Then, mortgage pay down would probably come second (assuming the ROTHs are maxed).

HOUSE - I completed some long range goals in 2010, but pretty much ignored the shorter term goals. Will try again for 2011. (My motivation feels about a 0 at the moment. Too much other stuff going on).

PERSONAL GOALS - those are all about the same. My quest to read a book a month in 2010 ended up being about 1 every other month (Which was good). But, now I got this giant series to read. Dh read it in a year, so I can certainly read it in a year!

I am pretty content at the moment, so my main goals are the financial ones, and it's good to keep on top of the house stuff, because there is always something!


[ ]$8,000 to Savings ($5k house/car & $3k medical)
[ ]$10,000 to ROTHs (Max)

[ ]Fix Gutter
[ ]Plant Fruit Tree (February)
[ ]Replace Kitchen sink caulk
[ ]Paint BMs room (maybe)
[/]Price Security Screen Door
[ ]Price Security Upgrades
(I was going to move the last 2 to "buy," but expect too many expenses in 2011 with house and medical. Same story as 2010).

[ ] Read "Game of Thrones" series
(like, a million pages?)
[ ]2 weekends away, with just dh
[ ]1 camping trip
[ ]More trips to the cabin
[ ]More biking & hiking

4 Responses to “2011 Goals”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    I love the book goal! I doubt I read a book every other month last year. I thought I'd do all this reading during maternity leave, but I was either sleeping, feeding, changing...well, you know the drill. Smile
    I can't believe everyone's coming up with their 2011 goals already! But it is getting me inspired to figure out my own, so I'll probably jump on this trend.

  2. Homebody Says:

    Me too Ceejay, I sort of make them up throughout the year! I have a goal of a book a week though I know that. Of course I don't work anymore and have no children so I can spend a lot of time reading!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I usually get in a book a week, sometimes more (non-school related.) It's my favorite way of relaxing. Although this past month I've only completed maybe two books - been consumed with Swagbucks on most of my downtime.

    Looks like you have good goals!

  4. terri77 Says:

    I think my goals remain much the same next year. My first goal is to max out my retirement accounts which is $21,500 for. I've been able to do that since 2008. Next goal is to increase my liquid savings. Pay off credit cards and pay down loans. I wish everyone success on their 2011 goals!

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