Home > 10 Years ago Today

10 Years ago Today

July 15th, 2010 at 01:38 pm

Nothing terribly exciting to report about 10 years ago today.

I just saw the question posed in another blog.

"How is your debt today, compared to exactly 10 years ago?"

Exactly 10 years ago, I had been a homeowner for about 6 months, and we were planning our wedding.

Debt? $208k to mortgage. That's it.

Today? $208k to mortgage. That's it.

So, debt wise, not much has changed. Big Grin


However, in 2000, we had just bought our condo. Our PITI was $2100/month. It was a steal compared to renting.

Our original mortgage was $208k, and I am sure we weren't paying much to principal.

Fast forward 10 years, and I am not thrilled to still owe $208k on our mortgage. But we do own a very nice home, in comparison. With lower interest rates, and less HOA fees, our PITI runs about $1600/month now, for over twice the house (+ land, etc.). I might have said $1700 before, but our property taxes have been decreasing with the economy and all.

In 2000 we drove much older vehicles. We sure didn't own much stuff. & we didn't really have very many assets to our name. So, all in all, I think we have made some improvement in 10 years. As we should.

By the end of the year we should be back to about $206k on our mortgage, which was where we were when we last refied. We will be somewhat breakeven, I suppose. Going forward I look to making more forward progress. We had paid our first mortgage down to about $200k before we bought our second home. SO, psychologically I really look forward to breaking the $200k barrier - down to $199,999. Big Grin

When we could refi in our first home we took on a 15 year loan at $1800/month. We were both working. If we could pull that off today, $800/month would be interest, and $1k per month would be principal. So I am starting to think that would be a good 2-income goal for mortgage paydown. I remember paying down the loan what felt like lightning fast with that 15 year amortization. But it was a pretty big payment - I would never tie us to that commitment again. Ah, to be young and naive. Extra principal payments for us, this time around.

So, where was your debt, 10 years ago compared to now???

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