Home > Good Weekend

Good Weekend

June 7th, 2010 at 02:03 am

Ah, what a weekend. Strangely I feel refreshed... Busy, but not too busy, somehow.

**Kids were bouncing off the walls so sent them outside the last couple of mornings. We don't do that enough. Was a HOT weekend, but was so nice and cool in the mornings.

**Annual International Festival for BM's school. It's like the most culturally diverse school district in the country (maybe 2nd). Needless, to say, they put on one hell of an International Festival every year. We took $40, and only spent $20. We ate quite a feast, the 4 of us. A great deal for some good home made cooking, of all wonderful kinds.

The only long lines were for the sno cones. Lord, was it HOT!!! We were buying drinks every few minutes it seemed. We saw that line, and had to buy more tickets for the sno cones. Decided to leave and get frozen yogurt. I can just donate more to the school later - wasn't worth the line! Or the heat stroke...

**Kids had a playdate today. Actually, LM has a girlfriend. It looked very serious though he is keeping his options open. LOL. They were just cracking me up. (He's 4 - and a bit of a player).

Their old preschool was all working parents in a neighborhood by my work. I felt bad that it was difficult to cultivate any relationships. That said, 1.5 years at a local preschool hasn't really developed much. Until this sudden love affair the last month of school. Kind of funny, BUT dh and her dad really hit it off. SO, I feel less guilty that he can maybe maintain this relationship. (Not too guilty since he will obviously start the world of neighborhood school, next week).

It was interesting because one of the first things he told us was that "his wife makes the money." He is out of work and dh and him really hit it off and that is awesome. It seems to be the area. Our 2 closest neighbors are the same way - though only talked more openly about it recently (didn't necessarily realize the wives were the main breadwinners). It's not even that we gravitate towards these people, but our kids gravitate towards their kids. Though, I suppose we can relate with them.

Of course, the guy was very nice and open and one of the first things he told us was they were considering walking away from their house. It was kind of an ackward thing, until he starts asking us what WE are going to do.

"Um, we're fine?" Dh and I talked about it when he left. I said we may be the first young parents he's met in the area, who aren't in that situation. The WAY underwater situation.

I suppose that explains why he felt very open about it - walked in and thought we were in the WAY underwater club too.

I've known the thoughts were there, but just the first person to blurt it out like that - LOL.

**All that excitement this weekend, and I finally made it a point to take the kids roller skating. Something I had been meaning to. That was about $20. If we stick with it, we can manage costs with family night, buying skates, season passes and stuff. Today was kind of exploratory to check the place out.

BM is a natural. He has no fear and was flying around the rink by the end of the session. LM didn't do half bad. We may be able to work in family night a couple of days a month. Might do lessons this summer - very reasonable.


Often, weekends like this leave me exhausted. Ironically, I just feel refreshed.

The heat is killing me (came on suddenly), but we will adjust! It's just average weather - we've been spoiled by the unusual cool.

Yup, we flipped on the air. Just before bed Friday. Saturday when we got home at 6, because I felt like I was going to melt after being in the heat a couple of hours. Today we ran the air most of the day since we had guests. Welcome, summer!

7 Responses to “Good Weekend”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Interesting situation with the other guy assuming that you would be in the same mortgage boat as himself....In my opinion, house prices still have not come down enough for many working class people to _truly_ afford even the very small older homes in my city. It is one of the lingering affects of the R.E. bubble. And mine is not even a pricey city.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Our neighborhood was mostly built in 2001, BUT in our more immediate area, a majority of the homes were built during the boom (2002-2006). People who bought one year after us paid a $150k premium. So we paid $100k-$400k less than MOST people in our immediate area. We also did this weird thing called a 25% down payment. (The masses put 0% down).

  3. zetta Says:

    Next time, just say, "We bought before the housing boom." It takes the focus of the conversation off your finances and moves it to the real estate market.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    zetta- exactly what we said. Wink

    We are used to this conversation on some level. Usually people aren't quite so blunt, is all. I think we have had the "we bought before the boom" conversation 1 million times though. Rolleyes

  5. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    That is so cute about LMs gf. Smile. He's starting young. I think I was about 5 when I had my first crush - a boy 3 years older than me. We actually are still friends now - at least via FB. Smile

  6. MonkeyMama Says:

    He actually fell head over heels for his cousin's cousin (no relation) about 18 months ago. He's always been a little girl crazy.

    The girls LOVE BM, but he is totally uninterested, on the other hand. Too busy with boy things.

    Their personality differences are so funny - will be interesting to see how it pans out with age.

  7. whitestripe Says:

    aww, young love.

    the situation with your DH's friend reminded me of something that happened a little while ago with our friends. we were having coffee with two couples, one couple has a child and lives with the wifes father, and have only one income (a small one at that). they are flat broke and trying to brainstorm ideas to get themselves into a house and set up financially for their child - they were telling us they were considering moving out to the sticks, very rural area, HOURS away. meanwhile the other couple live in an apartment that the GF's parents have given them, so they don't have very high living costs - also make a decent income too.
    just after the first couple talk about moving rural, the BF of the second couple bursts out with 'oh, so you know, I just bought a new 50" LCD'. he then realises his faux pas and apologises profusely to the couple AND us. DF and I sit there silently, and later talk about how it was odd that they assumed we were in financial trouble too - it made me wonder what they DO think of us, because they know a lot of our spending habits (tattoos, books, music etc) and I can only assume that they think we're extremely bad with our money, if they think that we don't have any. honestly, if we didn't have any money, we wouldn't be buying those things, and we WOULDN'T be out having a leisurely coffee at an overpriced cafe either!

    funny the assumptions people make. DF's response? he shrugged and said 'eh, I prefer they think we don't have money, it takes the pressure off'. Big Grin

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