Home > I don't Agree with Suze...

I don't Agree with Suze...

February 15th, 2009 at 03:50 pm

Not that I have to agree with everything.

But I got around to watching an older episode last night where she said it was terrible to use plastic around your kids and they will never learn how to manage their money if you do.


I tried to think back how my parents paid for things. I thought they always used checks or ATM cards. Credit cards as times changed. I don't particularly remember them paying things with cash. I honestly don't remember how they paid for things though, because it simply does not matter!!!!

It doesn't matter how they paid for anything because that is not how I learned about money...

I learned from having an allowance and from having to manage it. I learned from getting a checking account when I was a teen and a credit card when I got my first "real" job and paycheck. I learned firsthand to spend less than I Earned and to pay my card off every month. Of course I learned these because that is what my parents did and that is what they told me to do.

So, no, I don't plan to stop paying all my bills online, mostly while the kids are asleep, and carrying pretty much just plastic in my purse.

I admit it is important for kids to deal with cash. As much as I hate carrying any cash, the kids do carry their cash when we go out. When they shop they have to figure what they can afford and pay with their own money. That is most certainly important. But they are only 3 & 5. They have to learn at a basic level. But I can assure you just because we pull out the plastic, does not mean they will not understand money.

Now, if we only used plastic and we NEVER talked to them about money or taught them anything. Okay, yeah, that is asking for TROUBLE, obviously.

As they get older I am sure they will ask more questions about how we pay our bills and we will most certainly share. For now they use cash, we don't, and it works...

I mean most of their money is sitting in a piggy bank where they can physically see it. They have some money in the bank but they are too young to appreciate how that works at this point. Kids do need to physically see and handle their own money to grasp how it works. I think Suze and I both agree there.

5 Responses to “I don't Agree with Suze...”

  1. swimgirl Says:

    We're the opposite. I pay bills online (everything I can) and write checks for the rest. But as far as day to day spending, it's cash all the way. I really like NOT spending it and then ending up with extra at the end. Of course, we have exceptions, which we verbalize to the kids. "Let's see, we need to get the car fixed, and I don't have enough cash. I have some money in savings. Should I get it done now and take the money from savings? Or should I wait a week until I get more cash, get it done then, and then spend carefully next month?" and "That is a really neat item. It costs only $10, but do I need it? Will I still like it in a month or a year? What else could I buy with $10? Or maybe I should save several $10s for something big?"

    We just do the thinking out loud around the kids. I think it's the thought processes that they actually need to learn.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    True, Just because we use credit doesn't mean we don't have cash left at the end of the month (I mean we have the same reward if we spend less: more cash in the bank at the end of the month).

    But yeah, the thought process is important. The kids are expert grocery shoppers already - that is for sure. They know they only get treats when they are on sale, for one. Wink They know to buy generic, etc. I mean, it is important to involve them and start young. It really is a lifelong process. Starting to talk to your kids about money at 16 is too late if you ask me.

  3. swimgirl Says:

    Absolutely... I'm SURE you have money left at the end of the month. We are thinking alike on the big picture. For me, the little part of the picture... I can say to the kids (and physically SHOW them my wallet), "We have $100 for the rest of the month for clothes. And there's $25 for entertainment. If I give you $25 for those jeans and another $10 for a movie (teens, remember), then there will be less for everyone else. Are you willing to go without next month?"

    My kids totally get it, too. But for me, physically showing them the money has helped them learn.

    Yes, they need to be thinking about money YOUNG!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    MMmmkay, you're right. I don't agree with Suze there either. I use plastic all the time, but when the situation arises, I do tell my kids about the dangers of it, and what to be careful of. Even with my littlest one, I've said, "You have to be careful!"

  5. Debtfreeme Says:

    My mom alwasy used cash or checks, never writing one unless she knew the money was in the account to pay for it.

    What is funny thought is that i taught her how to use her credit card at the gas pumps while on vacation in Arizona/New Mexico in 2001. IT was right before i was leaving for peace corps and we went on a trip together for one last thing to do before i left.

    She was worried about keeping enough cash in her purse after i left to come home (she was staying a week longer to see more.) So i taught her how to use her card and she always just kept a few extra dollars in case a smaller station only took cash. I taught her to use the large chains to make sure they would always take the cc.

    Now 8 years later she almost always uses the CC for gas and pays it off every couple weeks or so online which is something else i taught her when i returned from peace corps. so much has changed...sniff...i am so proud of my mom!!

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