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The Focus Group Jinx

September 4th, 2008 at 01:11 am

We have certainly had our fair share of focus groups in the past year, but it seems like 99% of the time they call we can't go. It seems every time they call in BM for a group he is staying with grandma or something.

There is a Bay Area place that calls dh occasionally but it is always when he is out of town or something. Those seem to be our 2 jinxes anyway.

So dh tells me today he got called in for the 18th. HE says it was $75 and gas will probably be $25, but we need the cash! Sounded good to me. But when he told me the date I said, "You'll need to factor childcare in the cost." He looked at me like I was crazy. "I told you, it's in the evening." I said, "Yes, but I will be in Colorado."


I told him to ask his mom to meet him for dinner and take LM for a while or something. He could at least ask anyway. OF course if he treats for dinner then, would he have any cash left?

Looking grim.

Sorry I had to burst his bubble. I think I better put my little trip on the Calendar. How quickly we forget...


$97 in ebay sales today. YAY!

The credit card closes tomorrow and I can see if I can put any of that back into savings. Phew. I think I pulled out $750 for the new computer and I may be able to put $100 back with this last batch of ebay sales.


Dh did some Christmas shopping today. I think he is insane. $50 on piles of old legos. LOL. But he said he would sell the stuff he doesn't want.

I don't know if we will get the kids much else.

The grandparents have that corner WELL covered. & we have piles of free books and games from Scholastic as well. So, yeah, I think that covers them. Phew.

We generally don't spend much on ourselves or the kids. I don't know where it all goes. We'll have to break out the Christmas budget. Going lean this year. But getting this out of the way helps. Dh just used his cash business profits to buy the legos - doesn't really affect my bottom line.

This whole second income thing is kind of nice, no matter how paltry it may be...

1 Responses to “The Focus Group Jinx”

  1. Mary Beth Says:

    I know what you mean about the focus groups. I signed up for one company but every time I qualify, it seems to be a day I work. I already told them the days that I am available and the locations but they just don't seem to get it.

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