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Extreme Makeover Home Too Expensive

May 22nd, 2008 at 02:18 pm

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"Extreme Makeover" recipient in Idaho selling home

The article goes on how the 3600 square feet is too expensive to maintain.

I have to say I have caught the end of this show a few times and wondered the same thing. How in the hell can these people afford to maintain these homes?

I guess I am too realistic.

Though the gift is nice, I think often it is way misguided.

Of course, I also find it a shame to read that this guy's bills have tripled since the change. I know that with some care and planning it doesn't have to be that way.

We had the fortune to move from 1300 square feet to 2600 square feet, for about the same price, moving somewhere cheaper. The thing is for us that none of our bills went up. The house is new so needs little maintenance, as of yet. Our utilities are the same. Our property taxes are the same. All same same same. I doubt few people can say the same. BUT it does irk me when people go on and and on and on about big houses being energy hogs. Says who? We have twice as many people now and are home 3 times as much (home all day/every day instead of just evenings and weekends), but we pay less for our utilities, due to the energy efficiency.

So I think, for one, for these makeovers, you think they would really consider this in the makeover - making these homes super energy efficient so the recipient's bills don't triple. Really. Realistically, the bills could be lowered.

But even so, watching that show, I always figured for the long run there was a lot to maintain. & of course just because things are "new" doesn't make them foolproof.

I've always been far too practical to enjoy that show. LOL. I keep thinking, "how will they afford to maintain that mansion?" Egads.

I can't imagine he is the only one who feels that way. Too bad he feels some measure of guilt selling his home.

2 Responses to “Extreme Makeover Home Too Expensive”

  1. sagegirl Says:

    I have wondered the same thing about that show. They put these people who are otherwise struggling in a huge, gadgeted out home and then they have to figure out how to pay for it. I read a similar article about the couple who won HGTVs Dream Home (the one near Tyler, TX). They won this huge beautiful home on a lake, fully furnished, but had to sell because they couldn't afford the property taxes. I would have sold it as soon as I won it and stayed in my old home. Smile

  2. Maismom Says:

    I always wondered the same thing, too. Property tax, higher utility bills, keeping the house clean, etc. DH told me he would love to see what happens one year after they get the house.

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