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Now they are just being Evil

June 17th, 2007 at 03:16 pm

Um, well, now that MIL is out for the summer (teacher) and she is semi-retired - doing some part-time work for her last year or something - but not her regular 15-hour/day teaching (so it usually seems). So the Research Group called up dh again yesterday and asked if he could do an all day gig for $200 in San Jose. Um, considering we have ample free babysitting available, for $200 I think we can swing it. Wink

So first they tell you the details and ask a few questions if you are interested. Of course the first question is, "Are you a Santa Clara County resident?" Um, no, he has told them a MILLION times - no!!!!! So he was pretty upset about them taunting him like that. Gah. But you know since everyone and their brother has moved from there to Sacramento I wonder if that is why they have that one Sacramento option open. Maybe more opportunities in the future. They also told him there was another one coming up in Concord (about 1/2 way in between) that he may qualify for. So we'll see. I have just bugging him to help a little - another $100-$200/month. It's all going to retirement, if he starts to get more of these. Pretty sweet. The prospect of $275 in one month (between the taunting and the other one he is doing this week) would have been pretty DARN sweet. Hopefully there is more to come...

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