Home > Spendy Weekend

Spendy Weekend

May 6th, 2007 at 03:16 pm

Amazingly enough, I had a most marvelous weekend. Lord knows how because it was also quite trying - LOL. I also have a number of pictures to share, but will get to that later.

Wednesday dh threw out his back. I was just packing up at work around 4:45 thinking I was ready to go when dh called asking when I was leaving, because he threw his back out around 3:00 but the kids were waking up and he think he needed some help. Lucky for him I was on the way out. He might have been okay Thursday, though completely unable to pick up the kids, so I just called in sick. My vacation day was Friday and long overdue, I figured I'd extend it a bit. Sure I could have tried to go to work at nap time or bring some work home, but frankly, wouldn't have been very productive, probably more in the name of feeling better than really getting any work done. So I eagerly took the day off. Of course it has been so long I took a day off without much dh help, and I had forgotten how exhausting a day with kids was - LOL. They wore me out pretty quick.

Friday we went to Monterey. I was going with or without dh. In fact I really encouraged him not to go. But he really wanted to go. The car ride was absolute hell. Dh had taken the baby seat out when he got the t.v. and was in no shape to put it back in. But I was insistent on driving the van, terrible gas mileage and all. It has built-in car seats. The seats are great except for the fact that there is no head rest. So the kids hadn't slept much the night before (BM was too excited and LM sense it I guess). So they were exhausted. Talked BM into the booster seat with head rest, but LM had little option. I brought a blanket and a towel to help his head but he wasn't having it, so I sat next to him while he screamed his head off. HE finally fell asleep and I made a nice pillow with the towel, but I was getting SO car sick and dh was really in no shape to drive. So we switched places (3rd or 4th stop at this time - 3 hour drive) and so of course he woke up when we stopped, etc. I think I stopped to pee too but forgot to ask BM if he needed to use the potty (doh - obviously we don't do this often) so we had to stop again for him soon after - LOL. So anyway, most of the last hour LM whimpered as dh was of little help with his inability to move his back much - but we FINALLY made it. Kids were not on much sleep and not much of a nap in the car - but they had an aboslute BLAST - so I guess the trip was a success. The coolest thing too is the Aquarium long ago had a big round pool the bat rays would swim around and you could pet them, but was gone last time. Dh said he thought they were coming back, but weren't on the map so I just thought he was crazy. But they were there. The kids got soaked reaching in their arms trying to pet them, but got a couple - a very good experience. They are just so friendly, they come over and pop their head out - kids just loved it - so did the adults. Wink The last time we went BM was 1 - we went because they had a great white shark on exhibit, and it was just a crowded mess. But going on a Friday was absolutely MARVELOUS. Not too crowded, and just very pleasant. I think after a while BM got sick of all the fish, but LM could have stayed their for days - he loved it. They had lots of interactive exhibits for the bouncy one.

We splurged on lunch, and dessert, before we went home, at Ghiradelli. Between that and gas and aquarium, gosh, we spent around $200 I am sure. A very spendy day, but once in a while you just got to do something like that.

We had a miserable 1-hour car ride back to MIL's where we ate Chinese and went to bed. I had to get up with LM twice but was the best night he has had their in ages. We just try not to sleep anywhere but home lately, he has been so bad, but luckily there is a bed next to the crib in the spare room, so when he got up, I just laid on the bed next to him and he went back to sleep. Would have just stayed there but worried I would keep him awake with snoring or something - hehe. So anyway, what this means is the last few times we have visited the fam we have been miserable and we are always trying to time driving with naps and such. This trip was opposite. We actually got a good nights rest and then we decided NOT to drive home at nap time with the car seat situation - LOL. So in the morning we went hiking. It was an interesting experiment is BM LOVES hiking, but we have held off as LM (who is quite big and heavy) wasn't even walking a few months ago, and certainly not ready for a big hike. So we had the idea to try this nice little park in San Jose foothills, something very easy. So we went with my parents in the morning and worked out because LM had an absolute freak out. BM is running way up ahead - nothing will stop him, and LM refused to walk after a point - LOL. Going with my dad I figured at least we could take turns carrying him if it was too much for him, but he refused to let anyone but I carry him - dh couldn't carry him. Ugh. So my mom and I quickly turned around. I finally lured him with fruit loops - told him if he would walk I would give him "candy" and he liked the fruit loops and accepted them as candy. So he actually walked down most of the way until a wind came up and freaked him out again. He is almost 2, and a little sensitive, but a little overboard yesterday - think he was just exhausted, maybe not feeling well. So of course we went home only to find my mom didn't have the keys to the house - LOL - so we went to 7-11 and I bought some milk and gave LM a bottle, trying to calm him down. Then we picked up the herd and went to lunch! We treated my parents to buffet (least we could do) and gorged ourselves. LM was a little moody through lunch but the funniest thing was he smeared beans all across his face and hair. He ALWAYS gets food in his hair so nothing new, but I took him to the bathroom for a scrub down and some lady asked me what happened to him - LOL. Food - silly. Food happened to him - LOL.

Anyway, after lunch back to my folks place, where usually the point in the trip where dh and I feel like collapsing and my parents aren't really sure if we should drive home. But I was feeling pretty good. We succeeded in getting the kids down for a nap and had some nice quiet time with my parents, and it was a really pleasant time.

Kids probably woke up at 5, but my grandma called and we chatted for a long while, and we didn't end up leaving until 6. Kids sat together in the back for the 2-hour drive and had a blast together - just so cute - getting so interactive - LM was in the best mood he had been all weekend - phew. Came home, ate dinner, bed, and kids did not wake up once - so I am feeling even better today - actually got some sleep!

Anyway, the crazy part is while we were there I saw some Festival is going on next weekend that every year I see the signs, and I always have conflicting plans. This year I don't have any, except with gas prices, and after such a spendy weekend, I am not sure I want to add a 3rd trip to the month of May. But dh got all excited about it, a day alone with BM to do big kid things. Who knew. So anyway, I am thinking of going down alone with LM next weekend. Only if it seems he will be in a better mood though. & I will have to take dh's car for gas economy AND a good carseat - hehe. Well, something to think about.

Oh yeah - I did do my aerobics class and also had quite a workout Friday and Saturday so dh had a point - maybe just getting out and getting some fresh air energized us a little. Getting a 4-day weekend certainly helped I think. I just really needed it. Phew.

I just saw Jeffrey's post on KIVA, which was great because I had seen that before and thought it looked great, but so busy paying off the car and building up e-fund, etc. Put it on the back burner for later. I think now is time, as we have met many more goals than intended already for the year. Will probably start with $100 for now. & at the end of the year see if we can up it. I will also have to send the link to BM's preschool, the lady there, I think she would love something like that, if she hasn't heard of it. I just thought of her because they donate all their extra babysitting income to a family in Africa, and go on a lot of missions, etc. I think she would enjoy giving through that channel. Will spread the word, indeed. For me, so interesting to give in a way that is so renewable. I love the idea that $100 can go on to help many many people. But if I don't get it back, is for a good cause...

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