Home > 2 mortgage Payments

2 mortgage Payments

December 7th, 2006 at 07:13 am

I made 2 mortgage payments this month - phew. No - didn't prepay a dime. I just had been planning to make 13 payments this year since I got out of whack last year and was paying after the first of the month. Got back on track - paid before, but then I got lazy - since there is no penalty until after the 6th or so I figured what the heck. I have been paying on the 6th - simply to keep my money longer.

Anyway, I just realized as my mortgage payment cleared today that I needed to make another one before the 30th - I had planned on it for tax. Phew. Glad I remembered. It is the sort of plan that sounds good, but then I forget to execute the plan because I get so used to paying the mortgage on a certain day - hehe. Just set it up to be paid on the 29th - phew. I only paid 11 payments last year, and this year 13, we are back to normal now. 12 per year is good.

I am thinking of upping my tax exemptions to 16 or so. I think I calculated 14 but I always get a huge state refund. There seems to be no way around it (like $1500). I don't really mind - it isn't the worst to get something back, since I keep most of it and plan the federal pretty good down to the penny - hehe. But I am thinking of claiming an extra exemption or 2 and earning some interest on that money. Would help. Especially now that I Am more on track and can handle a small amount due. I have no idea why California is so difficult. Basically I never owe any money and I get a full refund every year. Can't claim exempt for state unless you can for federal, so I suffer. You think the 14 exemptions would be a clue, but California's withholding tables are whacked.

Since ds is out of preschool this month I was a little relieved since it is a VERY busy month at work. This last year has been nothing but sickness around here - all those preschool germs. BUT we went to a kiddie Christmas party Saturday and Tuesday I woke up with a slight sore throat and feeling a little blah. When I got home, kids were full on snotty nose and all. IT was then that it occured to me - Christmas Party!! Those little stinky germs!! I guess we should just barricade ourselves in the house - would be easier.

So far feeling better today, which is a miracle since I have been so stressed at work. Stress usually does me in. OF course I Should be resting up, but feel wide awake. Big monkey seemed quite fine too. Little monkey is really snotty and has a cough - poor thing. He is usually pretty tough but this one has hit him hardest by far. Dh is okay, I Want him to stay well for surgery on the 21st. IT is coming up fast!

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